Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I went to a bbq on Friday night and a friend of mine brought this beautiful cake, it was decorated with blueberries and strawberries and white icing, perfect for the 4th of July! Once we all ate our brats and tasted the cake it was so yummy! Even my hubs loved it, he ate 2 pieces!! When I asked my friend Amanda what it was she almost shocked me with how easy the recipe was. Here it is...

1 box strawberry cake mix (you can use any kind/flavor)
1 can of diet cherry pop (again you can use any kind- 7up, Coke,etc)
THAT's It!! ONLY 2 Ingredients! (WOW)

Combine dry cake mix and one can diet pop. Mix well. DO NOT ADD any other ingredients such as water, oil, or eggs!!
Pour batter into greased 9x13
Bake for the amount of time and at the temp. the box says.
Once the cake is cool, ice with Cool Whip! Add your toppings, for mine I used strawberries and blueberries and made a flag!

Happy 4th of July, and THANKS Amanda!!


  1. Was this the cake you brought to my house? It was yummy!

  2. Yes it was, and I made another the next day too! =)

  3. You are too cute!! Following along now! Will have to make some of these cute little projects that you have going on! So fun!
